IDSE103 - Final


Part 1: Design and build an HTML webpage that displays the completed in the course and weaves it into a cohesive narrative.

Add supporting titles, annotations, and explanatory text so that the website stands on it's own.

Website should also include a short bio, functional email newsletter signup form, and serve as a micro-portfolio of your design skills to date.

Website due 10/7.

Part 2: Give 10 minute, in-person presentation of the same narrative with content reformatted for slides to be presented at 1080p resolution (1920px x 1080px).

Slides should be submitted as PDF document on Github and presented on 10/14.

Inspiration and Examples


Other Logistics


Criteria Points Possible
Webpage: submitted on-time 10
Webpage: has a cohesive narrative and stands on it's own 25
Webpage: highlights each assignment with supporting text and assets 25
Webpage: includes bio and newsletter signup 10
Presentation: presented with professional confidence 10
Presentation: slides are well designed and highlight assignment details 10
Presentation: slides submitted as PDF to github 10

Student Work